Do your clients’ retirement plans make the grade?

Coming soon: we’re working on a Retirement Readiness calculator so you’ll be able to run the numbers

Financial Advisors:

Welcome to the future of retirement planning.

Reverse mortgages can add an important piece to your clients’ retirement strategies by taking advantage of the equity in their homes.

Good for your clients.

For those who have an existing mortgage, a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) can eliminate monthly mortgage payments, freeing up often-substantial funds to use as they wish. And if a home is debt-free, a HECM (also known as a reverse mortgage) can give clients additional financial resources to meet long-term goals, while preserving invested assets for heirs.

A HECM loan allows clients to:

  • Create a predictable stream of income tax-free funds1 that can last the life of the loan
  • Slow the spend-down of their investment portfolios, building more overall wealth by allowing assets to stay invested longer
  • Create a growing “safety net” of funds for longevity or unexpected expenses

Good for your business.

For clients who need additional resources to help meet ambitious goals, a HECM can help you present more comprehensive and successful plans.

Using a reverse mortgage strategy can help your business:

  • Propose beneficial retirement and insurance strategies with the confidence that client income and resources are available to support adoption
  • Grow your base of clients by offering innovative solutions in a fully compliant manner

Easy for you.

We make it easy for you to bring home equity retirement strategies to your clients, with a lender that is committed to the highest regulatory and ethical standards.

  • Easy to learn: time-efficient webinar training exclusively for advisors
  • Easy to get quotes: use our simple online calculator and or contact our dedicated HECM team
  • Easy to succeed: proven strategies, communication tips, and special pricing for HECM loans

Discover how working with Longbridge Financial can help you better serve your clients and grow your business.

Watch now to learn how you can get more retirement income for your clients—without tapping into their investment portfolios

Ready to learn more?

Check out our Learning Center for a complete library of educational resources—including live webinar training for you, and informational materials to share with your clients.

Join the network created just for you.

How committed are we to support the financial advisor community? We’ve created a HECM Advisor Network to help you stay ahead of the latest industry news and strategies, plus other added benefits.

1 Consult a financial advisor and appropriate government agencies for any effect on taxes or government benefits.

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Reverse Mortgage Calculator

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